zomfg mafia

Hokay, so because I’m too lazy to come up with an entire other blog in order to fulfill my purpose, this is my mafia blog as of today. I’ll be posting whatever I feel like about the mafia game and I’ll just call it the creative writing-per-day necessary for the 30-day writing thing.

So let’s get gossiping. I talked with Black_Kitty today about my role. Turns out she decided to handpick me as a super secret role! Zombie Destroyer Jesus. I’m so excited! I can’t wait to use my role for all of the evil deeds that I’m sure it was meant for–I mean, I can’t wait to become the bestest and nicest townie of town.

Also, people are mean and evil and kept killing me today. It was so sad and hurt my feelings. Those fuckers will learn the wrath of Zombie Destroyer Jesus, though. Oh, they’ll rue the day they ran me over with a lawnmower, threw me in a pit, or did other various evil things.


Published in: on July 12, 2008 at 5:02 am  Comments (1)  

Day 3 (4realz)

Based almost entirely off of an interesting, if quite dumb, poster over in the awful lands of Megatokyo (where the grass is a shade of brown and the girls are actually guys), the following is a rare and predictable attempt at poetry. Since I’m rather non-creative with titles, let us simply know this peom as “Day 3 Lulz.”


A cure for depression: it’s name is Rouxinol,
you know, kind of like “Tylenol”?
A pill of hate, to counteract all
of misguided posters’ delusions–
this is not.

Yoda! Yoda! What the fuck are you doing, man?
Why invade my poem, you do?
Can’t you see that this was going to be a masterpiece?

Yoda, fuck you.
And little dog of yours too.

Published in: on July 1, 2008 at 6:07 pm  Comments (1)  

Day oshi!

As I suspected, I don’t have the attention span of my earlier years.  Sadly, something about being outside of the house for most of the day prevents having much time in order to use on actual writing. However, I did finally get my butt in gear and start a campaign yesterday-adament about the DnD being version 0.0 (or, more eloquently, Version: whatever the fuck I feel like).

Either way, I don’t feel that this day really should count as a day of writing. Maybe I’ll actually get around to sitting at a computer and posting something eventually today, but the schedule makes that event unlikely.  In its place, I’ll provide some good ol’ fashion musing.

Whether I mean to or not, ranting about the creative writing process tends to be a lot easier than actually going through the motions. Makes for a silly hypocrisy when I give the advice “you should write more; it’ll make you better” only to note elsewhere that I barely write a creative sentence a month (okay, so a little bit harsh-the thought is the same). Almost makes me wonder why I even bothered to say “sure, I’ll write each day for 30 days,” but then I realized: I can use this as an excuse to bake myself cookies.

And cookies are just delicious.

Published in: on June 30, 2008 at 12:16 pm  Leave a Comment  

Days 2 And 3

Were bunk. I wrote a little bit for another forumRPG and then didn’t write much anything at all.  In total, really only Day 2 counts in anyone’s book, and today looks as though it will be a very late one for me.

I always feel bad about producing stuff simply for the sake of producing it.  It feels wrong.  It’s like throwing a child down a well just because the well was deep enough that no one would notice if some dead child were laying at the bottom of it (until they tried drinking from it at least).  I come to the computer with the honorable intention of writing a nice draft of something–maybe that nice, happy story about the bunny who shot up a bookstore, or the fish-that-saved-the-human-race. But instead, I get ridiculously self-conscious of my ugly creations, feeling like that child molester that has to hide the evidence of his dirty deed.

All-in-all, it feels rather unpleasant.  However, I realize that forcing the writing is the purpose of the exercise, not the actual quality of anything.  I just can’t help that I want to create beautiful little creatures with every breath, when all that wants to come out is brutal incarnations of wicked writing gods.

Published in: on June 28, 2008 at 6:34 pm  Comments (2)  

Day 1?

Today, I thought I would do some writing, but I spent most of the time coming up with a draft for the forumRPG game “Mafia” instead.  It counts as creative writing, gimme a break!

Plus, it isn’t like you’ll never see anything I ever write ever.  This should just give you all more incentive to get involved in MTF’s Mafia game. :V

Published in: on June 25, 2008 at 6:28 am  Comments (1)  

Alright, you crazy kids. Get off my lawn.

In a rare and unexpected turn of events, I decided that perhaps I would maybe write a bit every now and again in order to fulfill the requirements of the awful and evil 30-day challenge.  I neither expect to produce super-awesome-amazing works, nor do I expect I’ll want to read any of them after they come out, but I figure that the point isn’t to create nice, pretty prose but to create.  It doesn’t matter if it is an eight-foot tall ogre named “Elanor” that no one would touch if their lives depended on it or if it is a delicate little flower waiting for the day it gets plucked out of the ground, trampled upon, or wilted due to having been sexed up by some passerby-by wind or insect.  The point is to write.

And so, that’s what I intend to do.  Write. It likely isn’t going to be very enjoyable for much of anyone, as you shadow readers are likely to skim and search for dates and times as opposed to the contents of the the stories.  At least, that is how I’ve been looking through others–because there are so many others, and sadly I don’t know if I’ll exactly have all of the time necessary to take closer looks.

On that pleasant note: Enjoy!

Published in: on June 24, 2008 at 7:33 pm  Comments (3)